
In the following tabs, you’ll see estimates as to how long or how many treatments are commonly needed to treat the specific condition. These are just estimates based on personal clinical experience and published clinical studies. Each case is unique and each person responds to treatment differently.

  • Low Back Pain Acupuncture is VERY effective in relieving back pain! Depending on your condition, a short series of 2-10 treatments is all that’s needed to eliminate your back pain.
  • Neck & Shoulder Pain Whether it’s from a strain, sprain or even chronic stress, acupuncture is often the thing that works even when powerful pain killers and muscle relaxants can’t. Three to 12 sessions are usually all that’s needed to eliminate the discomfort.

  • Migraines A recent Italian study showed that acupuncture is more effective than any pharmaceutical treatment on the market. Ninety-six percent of patients experienced relief and 74% had their migraines completely vanish. We recommend a 12 session course of treatment.
  • Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue A recent Mayo Clinic study suggests that acupuncture is superior to any other treatment for fibromyalgia. Although not a cure, acupuncture offers great relief to patients. Our recommendation is often an initial series of 6-12 sessions with bi-weekly or monthly treatments thereafter.
  • Arthritis Pain We can successfully reduce & relieve symptoms of the 100 kinds of arthritis types (polymyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, psoriatic etc.). Your age and severity of the situation greatly determines how much therapy is needed.
  • Depression & Anxiety Several studies suggest that acupuncture can treat mild to moderate depression as well, or better than any pharmaceutical on the market…without any of the unwanted side effects common with drugs. With that said, we caution you that as you receive relief from your symptoms, do not stop your doctor(s) prescribed medicine or following of their advice. Never stop taking your medicine without the advice and consent of the prescribing doctor. With the strength of modern pharmaceuticals, stopping your drugs “cold turkey” could cause great harm to you.
  • Insomnia Some suggest that being able to sleep is the most important factor in preventing and eliminating many chronic illnesses. Without sleep, the body can’t rest, recuperate or recover. Feel awake and well rested with mental focus and alertness. Insomnia can either be completely eliminated in 6-12 sessions with no further care, or occasional “tune-ups” of acupuncture.

  • PMS & Dysmenorrhea Imagine being surprised when your period comes; no warning, no cramps, no bloating. No breast tenderness or emotional upset. Your menstrual cycle can often be regulated within 3 cycles by coming in for acupuncture 10-12 times spread over 2-3 months. This relief is priceless!
  • Morning Sickness Works like a charm requiring maybe 6 sessions at the most.
  • Menopause Symptoms By combining a regimen of natural herbal medicine with acupuncture, menopause can become, as both the native Americans and ancient Chinese called it, the “woman’s second springtime”.

Visit Success Stories to read some of the comments Qi patients made about other conditions and the service they received. If you have any questions, you are encouraged to visit FAQ or Patient Resources for additional information.

If you would like a complete Acupuncture Menu of Services you can request Qi send you one via our contact us form. Please include your address for mailing in the “Your Message” section as this brochure is not available via PDF.

As with any medical treatment, success cannot be guaranteed and our acupuncturist will make every effort to keep you informed regarding patient outcomes. If treatment isn’t going well or acupuncture cannot help you, we’ll help you find other alternatives.

We caution you that as you receive relief from your symptoms, do not stop your doctor(s) prescribed medicine or following of their advice. Never stop taking your medicine without the advice and consent of the prescribing doctor. With the strength of modern pharmaceuticals, stopping your drugs “cold turkey” could cause great harm to you.